Well Being of Women team begins final descent

After a mellow Friday, resting and going on an acclimatization hike, the Well Being of Women team got to sleep with butterflies still fluttering in anticipation of their impending summit push. They awoke at 11pm and readied themselves for a midnight departure. The entire team summited and managed to have a dance party with DJ Lora spinning and thus making it into the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest DJ’d dance party ever. (Stay tuned for images!) The women were able to relish in their success for a while at Kibo Camp before descending further to their 12,000′ camp for the night. On Sunday morning they will continue their descent to the trailhead and head back to Arusha for much-deserved showers and a celebratory dinner. We hope to get images and videos up when their internet speed improves, so check back soon! Congrats to you all on a very proud summit!