Bolivia 2007 has Begun

To all, Hola de La Paz. Great weather and amazing sights of the city and the mountains have greeted our team Brad and Ian.
Upon flying into La Paz one is struck by the terrain of the vast flat altiplano dramatically interrupted by the massive mountains of the Cordillera Real. With our ultimate objective Hyuana Potosi front and center, our enthusiasm, already high, is boosted. We have spent the last couple of days acclimating, yesterday touring La Paz, and today visiting the fantastic pre-incan ruins of tihuanaco.
Our plan from here is to leave tomorrow to continue our acclimatization in the Cordillera Real. A couple of hikes and some skills work on a glacier will culminate in our first summit of Pequeno Alpamayo five days from now. Stay tuned for our next dispatch from Copacabana where we will rest and meet up with Desiree, our third member of the group.
Ian B – (by e-mail)