On up to Camps I, II, and III

First off, apologies for the long lag since the last update. We’ve heard from many people that an update is sorely needed, after our last blog entry left Adrian and David Tait somewhere in the Khumbu Icefall! Unfortunately, spotty sat phone calls and some home office problems have added to the difficulties here. But we’re back online, so here goes:
Our first two climbers did indeed reach Camp 2 without problem, spent their time acclimatizing there, and successfully returned to Base Camp. Since then, the whole team has forayed out up the mountain. Last reports we had saw them scattered through Camps 1 (17,389 ft), 2 (20,998ft)and 3 (23,623ft), all in various stages of acclimatization, readying themselves for an eventual push for the summit (yes, that’s still quite a bit further at 29,030ft). The weather has been good to them, and all reports have them happy and healthy.
Work continues by the Sherpas and guides to prepare the mountain route and fasten the necessary fixed ropes. A recent avalanche in the icefall thankfully did not affect any of the climbers, and our team continues to time their crossings for the (very!) early morning hours when the ice is hard and the risk is minimized.
More updates as soon as we get them!
-Adrian Ballinger via sat phone