Condorerie Basecamp, Bolivia

Alpenglow’s first trip to Bolivia is in the mountains and we are happy to be here.
In town we experienced all of the classic Bolivian challenges—lost luggage, missed flight connections, and road blocks caused by strikes. (A small town is trying to become the provincial capital and decided to block the main road to Copacabana to prove their worthiness.)
But despite all of this, we are loving Bolivia. Lake Titicaca and the Isla del Sol were stunning, the lama steaks have proven to be tasty, and the base camp we are now in is one of the most beautiful I have visited.
Today we acclimatized by climbing a 17,500 sub-peak outside of base camp, and tomorrow we will spend the day on a near by glacier working on skills.
Look for a dispatch from our first summit climb, Pequeno Alpamayo, on Monday or Tuesday.
-Adrian B.