Vodka & Caviar – Elbrus Expedition Underway

The port city of St. Petersberg in Russia has welcomed our 2016 team with open arms. With such a rich history and beautiful architecture, the team of Chad, George, Henry and Fred spent today exploring the city while doing the all important work of getting over jet lag.
Chad wrote in this morning saying they spent time soaking in the culture visiting the great halls, museums and tombs of Russia’s most famous Czars. “Crazy history and amazing mansions of incredible wealth… makes you understand why the people revolted!”, Chad wrote. “Our city tour also had brought us some amazing restaurants and local cuisine… yup, we ate caviar with vodka last night.”
Sounds like the guys are diving headlong into the culture of Russia! They have one last night in St. Petersburg and tomorrow they will fly out to Mineralny Voldy (translates to Mineral Waters) where they will begin their drive to the Caucasus Mountains and Elbrus.