Kili Summit

As this is being written, 8 out of 9 of our climbers are standing on the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro — at 19,340ft — “Africa’s highest point and the world’s highest free-standing mountain” (quoted from a congratulatory sign at the summit). Lizzie made a wise decision at 17,000ft that altitude issues prevented her from climbing higher. But everyone did great on the long, hard slog and they are rewarded by a beautiful day with fantastic views across the top of the clouds to the neighbouring peaks. The wind has dropped and it’s almost warm enough to take off your gloves! After a half hour to enjoy the scene and make satellite phone calls, the team will start the long descent back to camp at 12,000ft.
Check back for more details in a couple of days, when the team are back in better communications!
Adrian Ballinger (by satellite phone)