Makalu Team has Arrived at ABC!
This from Alpenglow guide, Chad Peele:
Yesterday the team moved from Base camp (4800 meters) to Advanced Base Camp (ABC) at 5600 meters. It was a very hard day as it was a demanding altitude jump over a long distance but all members made the trek in excellent time and the scenery was extremely beautiful!
We are super stoked to have finally arrived at our “home” for the remainder of the trip and are settling in to this amazing location. ABC is set in the talus below an ablated glacier/ ice fall where we have incrediable views of our route and Makalu proper. Our Sherpa team has been busy building camp and preparing for our upcoming Puja while the team has been “nesting” into their new camp. We even fired up the Hot shower today while it was sunny and warm!
Over the next several days we plan on dialing in our technical equipment, reviewing fixed line travel/ efficient mountain movement, a Puja ceremony and resting and acclimatizing to this crucial altitude. Oh! and did I mention that the weather report is forecasting dry weather and an upcoming end to the monsoon? Oh yeah, We are PSYCHED!!