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Mt. Everest North Side 2024 Update: ABC to Summit!

Graham Cooper stands ontop of Mount Everest after climbing from the North Side with Alpenglow Expeditions.
Alpenglow Expeditions 2024 Everest team standing on the summit.

May 19th – Advanced Base Camp

Our team honors Chomolungma with a Puja ceremony, to ask for a safe passage up the mountain. Puja is a Hindu worship ritual that involves showing reverence to deities, honoring guests, or celebrating events.

Puja ceremony during Alpenglow Expeditions 2024 Everest Expedition on the North Side

May 21st – Acclimatization hike to North Col Camp

Sherpa complete a second carry to North Col Camp with supplies for the upcoming summit push. IFMGA Guide Adrian Ballinger and client Graham Cooper spent the night at North Col Camp while the rest of the team completed their acclimatization hike to North Col Camp before heading back down to ABC for the night.

May 24th – Sherpa Push To Camp 2 and Camp 3

Sherpa carries gear up to 8300m and 7700m to set up Camp 2 and Camp 3.

May 25th – Advanced Base Camp to North Col Camp

11:43am – Team leaves Advanced Base Camp en route to North Col Camp, the summit push begins! Guide Carla Perez, Matt Greving, Ngima Tenjing and Gandavar Rai get a headstart on the rest of the team.

A view of North Col from Advanced Base Camp on the North Side of Everest

May 26th – North Col Camp to Camp 2

6am – Guide Carla Perez, Matt Greving, Ngima Tenjing and Gandavar Rai leave North Col Camp for Camp 2

9am – The rest of the group leaves North Col Camp for Camp 2

Camp 3 on the North Side of Mount Everest with Alpenglow Expeditions

May 27th – Summit Push For Carla, Matt, Ngima, and Gandavar.

11:32pm – Guide Carla Perez, Matt Greving, Ngima Tenjing and Gandavar Rai leave Camp 2 for summit push. They will climb more than 4,000′ over the next 12 hours.

May 28th – Carla’s group summits, the rest climb from Camp 2 to Camp 3

3:17am – Guide Carla Perez, Matt Greving, Ngima Tenjing and Gandavar Rai leave Camp 3 to continue their summit push

10am – Guide Carla Perez, Matt Greving, Ngima Tenjing and Gandavar Rai summit!

Guide Carla Perez and client Matt Greving standing on the summit of Mount Everest in 2024

11:07am – Rest of the team leaves Camp 2 for Camp 3 (27,000′)

7:28pm – Guide Carla Perez, Matt Greving, Ngima Tenjing and Gandavar Rai arrive back in North Col camp to stay the night after a very long summit push.

May 29th – The rest of the team summits for a 100% success rate!

7:07am – Guide Sid Pattison, client Myra Bertrand, and sherpas Kancha Nuru and Lhakpa Gelu on summit. Moderate winds, but nice enough to wait and see the others in 10-15 mins

7:30am – Guide Adrian Ballinger, client Graham Cooper, Guide Dave Morton, client Bruce Chapman, and sherpas Phura Tenzing, Pema Chhepal, Palden Namgye, Dorji Sonam, Pasang “Pso” Sona, and Chhewang Lendu all on summit!

Graham Cooper standing on the summit of Mount Everest in 2024 with Alpenglow Expeditions team.

7:55am – Guide Carla Perez, Matt Greving, Ngima Tenjing and Gandavar Rai come down from North Col Camp to ABC

10am – Guide Chad Peele, client Christopher Salomon, and sherpas Ngawang Tenjing and Tenzing Tashi summit!

Alpenglow Expeditions 2024 Everest team standing on the summit.

100% success rate on Everest, 23 summits in total


Myra Bertrand

Graham Cooper

Bruce Chapman

Matthew Greving

John Carney

Christopher Salomon



Adrian Ballinger

Carla Perez

Chad Peele

Sid Pattison

David Morton


Summit High-Altitude Workers (HAW):

Chhewang Lendu

Dorji Sonam

Gandarva Rai

Kancha Nuru

Lhakpa Gelu

Ngawang Tenjing

Ngima Tenjing

Palden Namgye

Pasang “Pso” Sona

Pema Chhepal

Phura Tenzing

Tenzing Tashi


“Old” Lakpa Nuru

Phu Tshering


The sherpa team for Alpenglow Expeditions' Mount Everest North Side Expedition in 2024.


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The Road To Everest

Here are the Expedition milestones we require from our clients to climb Everest.