Still in Base Camp

There isn’t too much new to report from our team, as they’ve been hunkered down at Base Camp, living through high winds and snow. The decision to retreat to base camp last week turned out to be right, as all the teams who stayed on the mountain have also been forced back down.
Yesterday saw a break, which may be just what Adrian needed to re-position his tent. Ice melt under his site had the tent leaning sideways and disturbing his rest! Hopefully, by now, he’s been able to flatten out a more level and stable site, and get his tent upright again!
The team is also hopeful about an upcoming break in the weather. It’s looking as if there might be a window around the 18th to the 20th, so plans are being made to use the opportunity. We will provide updates here just as soon as we get them. Meantime, David Tait has posted a couple of photos from his successful summit on May 5th. He also has a great description of his climb on his blog:
-Adrian Ballinger via sat phone