Adrian, Hiro, Soren, Julian, Jan, Desiree, and five Sherpas all attained the summit of Manaslu, the eighth tallest peak in the world today. The Swiss team followed suit impressively without oxygen. Dorji led the highly technical stretch to the true summit, which no one had been to in years. After this success, everyone descended an arduous 12,000 feet to Base Camp, the extraordinary Sherpas even cleaning up Camps IV and III on the way. While thrilled with their accomplishment, no one is having a full celebration yet as the Sherpas still need to clean Camps II and I, meaning one more trip past the extremely active icefall. The tentative plan is for the team to be back in Kathmandu on October 3rd, but I will write again when there is a definite schedule. Congratulations to them all!
Successful Summit and Descent