Taking Advantage of Perfect Weather and Going for it!
Adrian, Sergey, and a group of six Sherpa, including the incredible guide/sherpa, Lhakpa Rita from Alpine Ascents, have headed from ABC up to Camp 1. After a couple days of discussion and some difficulty getting Sherpas on board, Lhakpa Rita caught wind of the idea and with his enthusiasm, several more Sherpa jumped in and a fixing team has been cobbled together. They will continue on to Camp 2 on the 24th, where Sergey will take a rest day while Adrian and Lhakpa Rita have agreed to swap leads on the rope fixing mission to Camp 3. They all know that the coming days will be very strenuous and as no one has been above C2, they are not completely sure of what lies ahead, but they are confident in the settled conditions that they have seen, and they are prepared and willing to make a go at this incredible weather window before getting shut out by what seems to be a huge monsoonal storm coming in on the 26th that is meant to leave up to 3 meters of snow in its wake, followed by high winds. We’ll keep you posted as we hear more from the upper mountain, but it is possible that we won’t have word until they are all the way down late on the 25th.
Fingers crossed that the whole team feels well and that the conditions are prime for climbing and SKIING!