On Their Way in Bolivia
After some interesting delays, beginning at US airports, all expedition members arrived safely in La Paz and as Jaime put it, “tired or not” they were off on a road trip to Tiahuanaco and then Copacabana. This morning they went to the Isla del Sol, where they hiked for 3 hours under sunny skies so clear that they not only had spectacular views of Lake Titicaca, but mountains as far in the distance as Illimani! After feasting on a lakeside lunch of corn, potatoes, fresh trout and chicken, they headed back to Copacabana. And since that wasn’t enough for this tough crowd of women, after a short climbing brief, they went for another walk up a hill near town called Calvary in order to figure out their gear and of course, get some more acclimatization. Everyone is doing great and they are ready to climb some mountains! Tomorrow, the group will head to Condoriri and we will hopefully get another update!