Top 3 Reasons Mexico is a Great Climbing Destination

Reason numero uno
Mexico is close to the United States. When you first learn to climb, or first learn how to do any sport for that matter, you want to see if you like it. If you’re looking into a trip with Alpenglow, it’s probably not your first time on belay. However, it might be your first-time big-mountain climbing, which means you’re likely being introduced to high altitude. Mexico is conveniently close to the U.S., which allows you to take less time off of work and makes for shorter travel times. If you fall in love with big mountain expeditions (you will), the proximity means that you’ll always have somewhere close to home to climb.
Second reason
As I just was saying: you won’t be gone for longer than nine days. No other introductory big mountain climb affords you the skill building in the short time-frame that climbing Ixta and Pico de Orizaba do. At 17,154 feet, Iztaccihuatl, or Ixta as it’s known, is the lowest-lying glacier in Mexico, which makes it a great acclimatization peak. It’s also only 43 miles from Mexico City, so you don’t spend days or even very many hours getting there. On Ixta, you nail down basic mountaineering skills, and yes, you will focus on safety and education, but your classroom is the great outdoors! You finish up your week with a summit attempt on Pico de Orizaba. Many people don’t realize that this dormant volcano is the most prominent peak in the world after Kilimanjaro. At 18,491 feet it’s the third highest mountain in North America.
Value is a third perk of Mexico.
While the love of climbing and being outdoors is absolutely worth it, no matter what the cost, reality kicks in when our boss says we get a week off – that’s it – and you don’t have any accrued paid vacation time. When you’re learning it’s about realistic climbs and realistic spending. Alpenglow’s Mexican climbing trip packs value into a big mountain climb. With great hotels, food, climbing, and guides the trip is worth every penny. Touring Mexico City, Puebla, and some of the Mexican highland mountain towns is a priceless experience and oftentimes, without a mountain guide, you would never get the opportunity to visit these incredible, remote locales.

Volcanoes of Mexico Climbing School
For information on any of our other expeditions check out our website. For any questions call our office at 877-873-5376 or send us an email info@alpenglowexpeditions.