Backcountry Tips from our Guides

We may love skiing pow at Alpenglow, but we LOVE backcountry safety even more. We asked our guide team to give us one of their favorite backcountry safety tips, check it out:
“When planning a backcountry tour first decide where not to go – that means figure out where the avalanche problems are, “close” that terrain and agree to not go there. THEN decide on where to go, and “open up” that terrain.” – Logan Talbott
“Don’t just blindly follow a skin track – make sure it goes exactly where you intend to travel, and step off of it occasionally to feel the snow under your skis!” – Tim Mincey
“Have a repair kit that is dialed and suitable for your ski or spliboard gear. Things like ski straps, baling wire, leatherman, duct tape, an extra pole basket, paracord can go a long way. Throw in an external battery charger if your phone is your main lifeline for communication” – Trevor Husted
“Verify slope angles, contour lines can be deceiving. Pole clinometers are great.” – Patrick English
“Terrain is our best friend and our most useful tool. If we avoid skiing in and below avalanche terrain, we avoid avalanches. When conditions are challenging, and we have uncertainty about avalanche problems, we can always make terrain choices that keep us safe from avalanches.” – Sam Kieckhefer
“Keep your head up while you’re skinning, always observing clues for potential instabilities. If you can’t look around as you’re moving, you probably can slow your pace.” – Tailer Spinney

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