Stories: Alpamayo & Quitaraju

Mountain adventures create the best stories, and we want to share some of ours with you. Dive into Alpenglow Stories to stay up to date on expeditions in the field, read blogs, and get tips and tricks from guides.

Alpamayo Expedition Update From Base Camp
Update from lead guide, Esteban “Topo” Mena for the Alpenglow expedition team on Alpamayo: “We are in Base Camp, tomorrow we carry on to Moraine Camp. All is good.” Day…
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Alpamayo & Quitaraju expedition updates
Text & Photos: Esteban “Topo” Mena “Day 2: Yesterday we went to Antacocha, climbed a 5 pitch 5.10-route called Noches de Adrenalina (13,451′ / 4100m) First summit of the trip!…
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Success and Fun in Peru!
We had a great trip to Peru! Climbing Alpamayo is an experience of a lifetime and our team of four climbers and two guides had a fantastic trip, definitely evident…
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Back in Base Camp
The Alpamayo team is back in Base Camp. They opted out of a Quitaraju attempt and all got back to Base Camp last night in time for dinner. Everyone is…
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Alpenglow Summits Alpamayo!
Alpenglow Summits Alpamayo! The team is back at High Camp, happy, and in good spirits. They are deciding whether to attempt Quitaraju tonight so we will keeo you up to…
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Alpamayo Team at High Camp
Chad called and said the team is at High Camp. They awoke last night to cold temperatures and higher winds than they wanted, so they opted out of a summit…
Read the storyHeading for the Summit Tonight!
The Alpamayo team was able to relax in the sun at high camp this evening after having arrived there from Moraine Camp in the early afternoon. They intend to go…
Read the storyAll is Well at Llama Corral
I just got off the phone with Chad, who had just crawled into his tent for the night at LLama Corral, after one of Alfredo’s unforgettable mountain meals. They have…
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